william blake said that, what is now proved was once only imagined. now think about the importance of that. if you want to have something show up in your life, the kind of person you would like to become, manifest something new into your life, something powerful, whatever it might be, you obviously must first be able to imagine it. your imagination, this is yours and yours alone. you can place anything into your imagination that you want to place there. independent of what anybody else says about it, independent of what your senses tell you, independent of all the evidence that may be to the contrary, you can place into your imagination an i am that represents what you would like to attract into your life and make it come into fruition. einstein's most famous quote, one of his most famous observations, he said, imagination is more important than knowledge. knowledge is limited. imagination encircles the world. placing these i ams into your imagination i had a, some of you, i'm sure, know about it because it's been all over the papers and so on, a diag