william blue croft is a political analyst and deputy editor of the parliament magazine in brussels. he told us what she made of campbell harris's 1st campaign rally. um, you know, it was in many ways a very by the book standard campaign event that you would imagine um, despite all this talk of how 2024 is, you know, the make or break moment for american democracy. she really focused on his bread and butter issues that had been democratic style awards for decades. you know, health care, women's rights, gun control, you know, helping a prosperous middle class these, these talking points that we hear time it again and every presidential cycle. yes. couple of harris talked about donald trump's criminal troubles. yes, she does. and she touched on him trying to uh, you know, steal the election in 2020, basically. and we heard this line that i think bring in here and get here over and over again about how she knows donald trump's type, given court prosecutors a background. but most of that had a dress which was met with great you for you in the audience locally in milwaukee wisconscin wher