you think about new jersey politics, you don't think about bill bradley, who served so honorably and well. you think about harrison williamss. there's been an investigation that's been going on for years. >> this one for about three years, and it's interesting. harrison williams' nickname was pete williams, and this all began with an anonymous tip from somebody who called themself pete williams and alleged that menendez slept with an underage prostitute. that was later shown to be bogus. but it seat off this inquiry into the relationship with the two that brings us to this point. >> and there was a separate inquiry, the fbi looking at his records, over an $8 million building dispute through the doctor's offices through medicare. >> look, i don't think that new jersey politicians are anymore crooked than anybody else. i think they aren't as careful. the basic problem here is that menendez was taking cash in exchange for political favors. that's the american political system. >> you mean contributions, which is what this is. this indictment does not say, here's the bag of cash. it says, these were contributions to the politi