introducing alcohol to them and william brantley to make it law the land of the late the women in on that day he said i'm fit and date of the steam inside the us and now we faced. the full frontal attack in us in shame when they said we wanted to come here because you have some experience from tanzania on how to deal with the needs and we have some that they're very stubborn in want you to come and deal with them. so now the war went all the way up to the what a bit it's where in your fall away finished. from thought that said that you finish them all and then will cloak and they will be done in rehab she's been exists that was not the case many people fought. and then they started to be driven into the they'll make it this set and after i'm there now they fill it in that's why they ended up in but so on and some in south africa. next emanation or does sat. next to me made them kill them all or. this was a defining better if we have people like you think the germans before the lumina fanfic of the country which was. in the vein of would. in the world or there are a lot of people way