. >> the traditional is world would be like ronald reagan and winston churchill and william buckley phyllis scheffler and people like that for the modernist worldview, and so are traditional worldview would have a lot more belief in revelation and through faith where is the modernist is much more scientific. it's more the enlightenment of progress, through science, through reason and capitalism and if you think about we would estimate 30% of the population of the united states is traditional and that is where they are anchored and 50% is anchored in the modern view. an example of the modernist would be thomas jefferson, benjamin franklin in madison, john f. kennedy, einstein, edison, and guys like will gates another strong modernist. now progressives which make up about 20% of the population right now we estimate, so each of these comes out as the world evolves they partly reject the worldview that came before them. modernism rejected faith. it rejected religion largely. many modernists are atheist. they believe in -- they don't believe in scripture or revelation are things like that. there is a reje