william chavez is a professor of infectious diseases at the vanderbilt university medical center. and he explains how severe the outbreak is. there is a pressure on clinics emergency departments and indeed inpatient beds in the pediatric facilities over much of the united states. this is an unseasonal time for r s b to be out there and it's a very large outbreak spread over most of the united states and what your canada also most children acquire this infection when they're very young, they get over it. and then interestingly enough, they can get subsequent infections. but the 1st is often the most severe. and what's happened is for the past 2 years, because of all the crowd related coven related sheltering at home wearing masks. not attending schools. the children haven't been together. so the virus has not had the opportunity to be transmitted among the children, but now all the children are back in school there with each other again. and so this virus has many opportunities to spread tacking many children for very young to middle age children all for the 1st time. and that 1st