william cohen, former defense secretary. >> one of my best friends actually. >> one of your best friends, right. if you were to read the list before you read the book you would think that you were, you know, very well-connected, shall we say? [laughter] >> and might even have, you know -- >> some people think i can fix a parking ticket at least. [laughter] >> but you also interviewed for this book -- among the people you interviewed was mohammed, who's often described as the head of hezbollah. and so you traveled and you weren't just -- this is not just an armchair literature. and you went to a very well-known palestinian refugee camp about an hour south of beirut? >> yeah, i went there. i went to another area -- i mean, both scary places. i mean, you can't imagine the conditions under which these palestinians live in lebanon. not allowed to vote, not allowed to hold jobs in most areas of work or professions. i mean, that in itself is remarkable. the man who was one of the spiritual heads of the shia world was an incredibly interesting man and i felt it necessary to speak to those folks,