days gone by, william f. buckley jr. is a beautifully written autobiography by the founder of the american conservative movement. ethnic america pleaded no by thomas stole, our foremost black intellectual examines some of the ethnic groups, jewish, of rich, german, african-american, why some have a greater impact than others. let me be clear about one thing. a book is a book is a book. it is not a snippet or a scrap or a fragment. a book contains thousands of words, hundreds of pages, which permit the author to develop their early his ideas and his arguments or his characters in a novel. a book doesn't have to be printed on paper. the success of audio books proves that. i would like to say a few complimentary words about the kindle, amazon's electronic reader. the kendall is about the size of a book. it weighs less than a pound and can hold more than 200 books and offers access to several hundred thousand titles at about $10 a pop. but i must confess, i prefer the printed and bound book. there is something tactile and ti