archaeologist william fash. jades can tell us specifically about what he was wearing the day he went to the other world. this one in particular is a nice example of a human figure. these four jades with human figures were the central pieces of the jade collar that he wore when he was placed on the slabs in the center of the tomb. there are also pieces that represent ear flares or ear rings actually that the individual wore. the men wore earrings in maya society, too. and the way this worked was that this flowery part went on the outside and the spool and the counterweight came in through the back and this held them in place. and also it allowed a little bit of balance. if you just had the heavy jade on the front, the guy would have been falling over. this is very elaborate jewelry and is also an indication of the status and wealth of this person because jade itself is harder than steel, yet the maya had no metal tools. so each one of these represents literally hundreds if not thousands of man-hours of patiently