this has the name of william fenton, who was a faculty member and book collector. and the book plate itself has a map of oregon and washington which shows that his special interest was collecting books and maps about this region. en here's the title page and the account of the -- count of the country, containing a description of lakes and rivers, etc. if we move over here, this is the map in the book by jonathan carver. it's called a new map of north america from the latest discoveries, 1778. engraved for carver's travels. so, compared to dobbs' map, this shows a little bit more of the western coast of north america. it has cape blanco. and then it has a river of the west. which, as i said earlier, was another name for what was called river oregon by carver. but he did not apply that name immediately to the map that appeared in his book. so, this follows roughly the map -- the route of the columbia or the snake river, and its origins are near the head of the missouri river. so later, with lewis and clark, that would be the route that they followed across the contin