finley and writing my first book, "shark tank." and it was while i was at legal times that i had an idea for writing a story about one of the lawyers of williamsand connolly who i thought had the greatest dream job in the history of law which was running a baseball team. and that was larry he keen know who i went over to his office, and he was the president of the baltimore orioles. and larry, i got almost all through the whole story to the end of the story, and then somebody -- i was interviewing someone about larry and they said, oh, i guess you know about his illness. and i said, oh, sure, right. the illness, that's terrible. and so anyway i began to piece together the story about how at 3d years hold -- 39 years old larry had been stricken with non-hodgkin's lymphoma. and while he was in, and while he was in recovery, his miraculous recovery from this illness, he, he had -- he went to the dana far very cancer institute in boston, and they piped in the boston red sox games. so when larry got out of his isolation, they said what's the one favor that -- what's the one thing that you most want to do now that you're getting out of the hospital.