john parker the third, eric garner, ivette stick, ryan stokes, jonathan, emani gray, donte price, joanne brown, johnny warren, johnson, raymond oliver, brown, malika williamskendrick, robert dummas junior, sharma edwards, damion robinson, treyvon martin, tamir rice. everything in life failed her, she raises her gates to the street protest. we are gathered together to end white supremacy because this is resistant. [applause] >> do we have a time check to see about question and answer? >> one or two questions. anybody have a one or two questions? >> when the united states was originally founded, there were very few police departments. mostly all of the states made sheriffs over each county. and i think the sheriffs were elected by the people. today there is a situation where there is hundreds of different police departments and offices like the transportation, parking, they have all of these different polices like school police and state police. they are creating these departments and none of them, or very few of them, have a chief elected by the people. the sheriff's in states were elected by the people and if there were police brutality the people could ge