here is william goodell. he's buried at the cemetery in randolph, vermont. let me tell you about him. 40 years old, private, vermont infantry, 1862, gets knocked unconscious by a shell, blows up behind him, knocks his knapsack off his back, his shirt gets ripped, he gets knocked to the ground. this is from the examination, the words. on examination, no external lesion of the head or spine was discovered and no paralysis anywhere. he could move his tongue perfectly in every way, but he could not speak and he was totally insensible to all sound. he was in a word simply deaf and dumb. this is from his report. so what happened to poor mr. goodell? the diagnosis was congestion of the brain. he gets admitted to the hospital which we will see a picture of later in philadelphia. treatment, blood taken by cups from the back of the neck and ears. they would put a cup on the back of your neck, they would put a fire to it, create a vacuum, blood would come out, create blisters, that was cupping. it was a mercury derivative, tartar -- they were deadly poisons, the most c