my guest tonight is emmy-nominated actor william jackson max anthology series, "love life." >> i gotta go to sleep. >> good night. >> good night. >> unless you want to have sex. >> oh! yeah! yeah! >> i'm really tired ( laughs ) >> that's okay. as soon as i said it, i was like... >> but tomorrow, though. >> trevor: hash tag smooth. ( laughter ) >> yeah, man, that's me. >> trevor: what's going on? welcome to the show. >> thanks for having me. >> trevor: thanks for being here. congratulations on getting the emmy nomination. i mean, you know, that was a wild ride for you because if the story is true, you were about to quit acting before all of this happened to you, right? >> i was on the brink, yeah, yeah. the industry had me on the ropes. >> trevor: right, i was catching a lot of left hooks. but, yeah, it was a-- ""good place" came around at exactly the right time and rescued me. >> trevor: and you went from the one thing to the next thing. do you still have that thing that you go, it might go away? or have you settled into the world i thin