in the past when you've seen the public get on the central bankers, if you go back to the william jennings brian era, there wasn't a fed then, but there was monetary policy. if you go back to the '70s, the feds were saying, we want more money, higher farm goods, et cetera, they were angry when the tea party segment of the public, becae you're killing our legacy and so on and the public has been trying for tight money. you would think the public would be happy he was getting us out of a near depression/recession. this is a very curious period. i think no matter which way, though, the pressure is coming from, he's got to sort of insulate himself and go with his gut because -- but that's why the central bank is independent, right? >> we'll have to leave it there. i'm ben bernanke. thanks for sharing those with us? >>> all right, mel burn had this great idea that we should do a hung. >>. >>> up next, the underdiagnosed disease plaguing some of the nation's individuals and how you can help. as a chef we are always committed to our suppliers... you know, those farmers, those foragers, those fishermen.