william jennings brian once said the humlest citizen in all the land when clad in the armor of a righteous cause is strongest than all the hosts of error, unquotes. so said william jennings brian about what citizen clad in the armor of a righteous cause. now, harry reid was a united states senator and he's been a leader. but he's also a very humble man at his core. and his righteous cause wasn't just one issue but if you had to encapsulate it or summarize it, the righteous cause for harry reid was fighting on behalf of those workers, fighting on behalf of those people who did not and ever have power in their lives. and his ability to not just articulate their concerns and their struggles and literally their hopes and their dreams was one of the reasons why so many of us have such a high regard for him. we of course commend and salute his service. we appreciate his commitment to strong values, but we especially appreciate his steadfast support for those who needed his voice, who needed his work, who needed his votes and needed his leadership. so to senator reid we say thank you for your ser