>> i think someone like william jennings brian would think he's in a lost century, probably. if you start looking at the profile of who is obviously a fundamentalist he wrote at the skokes trial. you start digging into his background. i think he's one of the most fascinating characters, which makes us, drives us to use the historical imagination to figure out how to be all of these things. he was a passifist, an evangelical, he was a progressive, which for that day would be the word liberal that we use now. he was anti-imperialist. and how in his mind he could put all of those things together. my take on it is that he was probably, in terms of escotology, post-millenial. you reform the world and things get better and better. and then christ comes back after the millenium. and so you engage in all those things, or the war doesn't work with the millenium, so you have to be anti-war, alcohol doesn't work with the millenium, so you want to get that as a reform. and you do all of these things -- so i think just looking at his life is a lesson in how complex evangelicals can be. an