they didn't like william jennings bryan, they probably thought he was a socialist, but their view was that we want our thinking in the white house and in the justice department, and we want someone who sees the economy our way. is that a business interest? is that a philosophical/ideological interest? you know, after the election the great line that came out of that was henry clay frick who said about roosevelt we bought the son of a bitch, he just didn't stay bought. [laughter] and roosevelt ended up saying we ought to get rid of private money in federal elections, we ought to have public money out of the treasury because trust corporations shouldn't be deciding who the president is. i think if you look back at the supreme court in the citizens united case, what you see is a court that has two very different views, the dissent and the majority, over what's happening, and we see it played out this year. we have your view, um, which is a perfectly, i think, you know, respectable view of aspirational, that there will be all these independent groups, and they will be speaking, and they w