he's had extensive knowledge of the fcc where he worked as special counsel to general counsel william kenard who later became chairman and then to chairman reed hunt. the fcc has been a passion for julius for a very long time. it's so nice to see him nominated for the position he knows so well and cares so much about. his resume in the public sector demonstrates a widespread knowledge of agency experience and it gives him a well-rounded background on all the issues that are before the fcc, and he has a great deal that he could, he's a modest fellow, but he could boast about in his private sector work which demonstrates his understanding of where the his understanding of where the government rubber hits company road and how those two entities must work together to shape the future of telecommunications. he's held numerous positions at iac interactive corp, a fortune 500 media and technology company. he was a special advisor for general atlantic, a global growth equity firm and most recently, he co-founded both launch box digital and rock creek ventures, which helped to advise, launch and acce