america's third war, william lajeunesse, live in los angeles. iam you have done an awesome job on the story and it becomes more bizarre and even more amazing as time goes on. what are you learning today, in these hearings? >> reporter: well, the hearing is going on right now, it started 7 minutes ago and the program was so out of control, in the words of one agent, the u.s. government itself was single-handedly, quote, arming the cartel, and, in just a matter of a week, we sent 300 assault rifles south of the border and continued to authorize those sales, even when we knew it took just 24 hours for a gun to go from a gun store in phoenix, to a crime scene in mexico. and, while u.s. officials at first insisted that this program did not exist, and that we did not do that, we know it is a total fabrication and in fact the circle of those who knew about the reckless program grows larger every week and the report claims and we'll hear today, that the head of the criminal division of the u.s. attorneys office, lanni brewer, the right-hand man of attorn