please welcome william macaskill.l, welcome to the daily show. >> thanks so much for having me, i'm a huge fan. >> trevor: it's interests speaking to a philosopher, because when they say that i remember thinking it is probably going to be a -9d 0-- 90 year old man way stick, what is the meaning of life. >> i can't even grow a beard. >> trevor: are you not just young, are you very successful. you are a professor who deals with, i guess, are you dealing with some of the biggest moral issues in society? help me understand what your field of expertise actually is. >> so i'm a little different from a normal moral philosopher because i'm a little less head in the the sky, clouds, i fundamentally i want to make the world a better place. >> trevor: okay. >> so and asking the question how request we do as much as possible to make the world better, that is what the sector of altruism is b so the moral question i am asking are those we need to figure out if we want to answer that question where. so there are so many problems in