and this is an interesting part of the story because william mackey low was married juliet gordon ofh. she, of course, will end up being the founder of the girl scouts. but as an early married woman, she is in the countryside of warrickshire and she lives in wellsburn house and right across the way is warrick house and another daisy lives there, lady warrick, the lord's wife and they were good friends but they were gulfs apart in their personal ethics. lady warrick was quickly becoming the mistress to the prince of wales. in all these house parties there were all sorts of signals to let you know who was available once people moved to their bedrooms. you know, a shoe placed out the door pointing down the hall means i'm ready for this hour or that hour and all sorts of little things like that went on and the king always had his mistresses. and it's interesting to note by following the dates within the king's life that while he had dalliances with lady warrick, lord warrick was in georgia being hosted here in savannah, among his hunting trip he was on, by daisy low's father right on ogl