according to the concept normal, so fi, griffon's, father, michelle brown, god and his colleague william mcdonough created everything we built must go to either what they call the biological cycle or the technical cycle, that means the materials used to build the products, need to decompose, thus becoming nutrients for the soil or dismantled to become what they call technical nutrients and re used and other products. so with so room here, right? you can see a lot of products that are already produced in a cradle to create a manner this flooring. and you can see if i move, i can actually take it with me. quite cool that you don't need to do this. it is made out from the packing material, losing as an a credit cray, not the best idea to do because quite difficult to disassemble. the lab uses these carpets that are totally made of recycled fibers. and it's not glued. and you can bring it back to the company and they can recycle it and make it totally new. carpet out of dorval's or the grief on argues that there are a lot of natural alternatives to most of our commonly used toxic products. this materi