the william g. mcgowan theater reflects the key priority of this charismatic and charitable industry. uncle bill loved histories, movies, and debating the great ideas of the day. in 2003, it honored his memory by providing the public archives to develop this public theater. here, films are screened and important ideas are discussed. explored. this annual forum was quickly added by the fund to supplement programming at the theater. in 2008, the forum focused on spotlighting women in leadership. it focuses on women in business, journalism, academia, the arts and sciences, and public service. bill mcgowan believed in a frank and open exchange of ideas, and he loved to debate with his nieces and nephews, which we were tested on on a regular basis. he believed in america's democratic society, backed by a democratic, independent judiciary. only in such a democracy, could bill have led his upstarts corporate provider overthrow at&t, which had a virtual lock on phone services in 1982. a verdict in the federal distr