more room for william mcraven fratto mcraven you know to do this without necessarily going through off the channels no i i'm very satisfied that the oversight currently in place is necessary for the very reason you brought up. colonel davis and his report points out that without proper oversight officers will tend to do the wrong thing at least at this point in time so you have got to consider the worst case scenario i have a second thing to consider here is that we have a lot of regional commanders who already are engaging in a number of white world special operations activities we want to make sure those things are coordinated so having german are adamant what raven just kind of going off the reservation doing what he wants may not sit well with the folks actually doing the hard work in the region and more importantly trying to skirt oversight is never a good idea we end up with iran contra. all sorts of things which we don't need at this point time in our history special operations is the way of the future but again oversight is necessary inquired to make sure that they do what they