a little dab and your man will be more ambitious than the entire william morris mailroom put together. it's a little musky. well, they do say that success is 99% perspiration. gross. i'll take it. put it on my aunts' tab. i'm telling you, man, this east german transmission is driving me crazy. harvey! i got you a present. what for? boyfriend's day. uh, it's a... holiday that the retailers came up with to fill in the slow sale season between christmas and easter. just put it on. oh, it smells like my dog when he's rolled in something dead! but i like it! ( ring ) hey, after i replace that valve i think i'm going to overhaul the whole engine. you're not talking about s.a.t.s, are you? we just need to be a little more ambitious. but after you fix the car, you're going to drive it to a college recruitment center, right? right? oh! i guess a little dab didn't do him. we've been wearing these moccasins for a while now and i don't feel any different. do you? no... although i do have a sudden urge to track bear. hey, hildie, want to fill up all the holes on the golf course? no, thanks. i'm go