deal of time and taking the testimony of former district attorney and mayor and now ambassador william o'dwyer. it's not the province of the committee to pass a bond or to go in all of the activities of the of mr. o'dwyer as mayor of the city of new york. undoubtedly he made many noteworthy achievements. we were interested, of course, in what he had done in connection with a law enforcement across persecution of racketeers and gangsters and in the administrate of his office as mayor in regard to law, enforce, it is the matters that were brought out in connection with the committee. the conflicts of testimony are, of course the subject of grand jury investigation and in york county by mr. hogan and also certain aspects of the problem are being considered by ervin staple, the united states district attorney, until conclusive findings have been made or the matter settled one way or another by these. courts, i do not feel that on the record as it now stands until there has been a settlement of the issue that i could vote for, the compromise of william o'dwyer for ambassador to mexico if it were no