when edward leavy came into office, he knew that william o douglas was very frail. there were four and then five of us who were his special assistance. we are all under 30. two had been first in their class at harvard law school. powell, and heis gave each of us a sitting judge to read their opinions and to advise them on, you know, whether they would make good justices. i got william webster, who later became director of fbi and cia, and was always too busy to get started on the project, which is fortunate because i was not give meaningful advice on that question at that time. was on theuglas verge of going, and edward leavy received some advance notice of that, he put ron carr, who i would say was one of the two most brilliant lawyers in my generation, on this, and they came up with a list of five or six people. >> who else was on the list? -- must be in the library. i remember william webster, , the president out of brigham young university but had taught at the university of chicago, arlin adams from and gerald ford wrote about this process in a tribute to edwar