people are not, including former special counsel to former president george herbert walker bush, william otis, who characterized holder's move as a move for drug dealers. the professor joins me now, along with laura murphy, director of the washington legislative office of the aclu. professor, make the argument. why is this a win for drug dealers? >> it's a win for drug dealers because under the attorney general's proposed policy, the cost of doing business has gone down. he has said that he is going to allow, indeed he is going to require federal prosecutors from now on to omit the amount of drugs being dealt from the indictment. that in turn will permit judges to go below the otherwise applicable mandatory minimum sentence. when the price of doing business goes down, that's a win for the person doing the business. unfortunately, the business here selling drugs. and we're not talking just about marijuana. the federal mandatory minimums apply as well to child pornography, to selling heroin, methamphetamine, pcp. these are not harmless drugs, and they lead eventually to severe injury and in som