whom, a man named james espy who believe the with a rising column of air and the other named william redfield who thought a tornado rotated. james espy thought was a rising column of air and refused to believe tornadoes rotated and redfield thought they rotated that refuse to believe it was a rising column of air. when either was presented with irrefutable evidence of the other side they just said to the witness, people who lived through the storms, you are wrong. you saw it wrong, you didn't see it. they were both unshakable in this for 20 years and the fight was so vitriolic they actually manage to paralyzed american science for the entire length of the few. everyone had to choose sides. neither side would give any quarter to the other. they became more respected and got prestigious positions, were able to thwart their opposing people from getting jobs and the thing is they were both right. a tornado is both a rising column of air and as it rises it rotates and when people would describe this to these two guys they would say it can't be. there is no way. because of that, they were able to p