it's one of my favorite civil war stories, so you have stunned the dark william rosecrans and accidentally victorious braxton bragg and bragg says, i've actually won a battle. it's not even a tactical draw. i could claim a victory. so what i should do is let rosecrans retreat. yeah, yeah. so he did. he did it. he. he allowed rosecrans to fall back chattanooga while his army looked down on the city from atop the high bluffs of missionary ridge. he had not consolidated the prize and mutiny once again threatens his command. this is a theme in braxton bragg army in the days and weeks that followed the battle, rancor ripples through bragg's army, confederate cavalry general nathan forrest flat out refuses to ever serve under bragg again. i think this is when he says he's going to punch him in the face of bragg, tries to talk to him. i don't think bedford force great control over his temper. if i had to guess, james longstreet writes, secretary of war, james said, and he says, the situation in tennessee is going to be hopeless until davis replaces bragg. most of bragg's division in corps command