stone: elliott richardson and william ruckelshaus both refused to comply with president nixon's order that he fire special press curator archibald -- special prosecutor archibald cox. and they of course took the choice of resigning and rather than simply disobeying and waiting to be fired, which of course they would have been. neil as i mentioned is representing the state of hawaii in this case, in the supreme court. why don't you talk about your experience in the case, and what's happening and what's going to happen and all that cool stuff. mr. katyal: ok, sure, i just want to situate sally's remarks within the role of the justice department. when you're the solicitor general or sometimes the attorney general you have two , kinds of traditions that are not about zealously advocating for winning cases but just to do justice. those two traditions are being willing to -- every solicitor general, i did this and my democratic and republican predecessors did. they go to the supreme court and say, supreme court, the case that we won, we should have case,so please grant this here it, and rul