a famous historian of nazi germany, william sheridan allen, once said more people became antisemites in germany because they became national socialists than became national socialists because they were anti-semites. this is another way of formulating what i just said. power magnifies the ideas of those who hold it. and if those who hold it appear to be successful in realms that are important to some segments of the population, those segments of the population will come to think that those other ideas they hold might be more persuasive than they thought at first glance. if the economy flourishes in the 1930s as it appeared to many germans to do, then perhaps the nazis were not so bad after all. and perhaps what they say about the jews is not so errant as we thought. add this to a society that was thoroughly capable of creating an echo chamber, an ideological world in which only its ideas were presented to the public and in which one could not challenge those ideas without fear of punishment, and you create a situation that transforms a nation in 1933 from one in which 55% of the germa