think, i definitely identify the leading factors that create silicon valley, but i think that william shockley and the whole treacherous eight, eight guys who worked for the semiconductors who got fed up with the management style and also wanted to continue down the path of semiconductors in new jersey, and william couldn't make up his mind what he wanted to do, so these guys explored what really became the first venture capital investment, although they didn't know at the time, and it was not what they were planning on doing. what they they thought were doing to do was to be part of a new business unit of an exiing company, but really what they did was develop their semiconductor and out of those companies, spun out other companies and out of those companies, those original co-founders that were all involved in the semiconductor, they estimate up to 130 companies that have come out of it, and what it did was it made it very acceptable to be able to spin out, you know, be satisfied or have a great idea one day and start a company the next. >> host: who was leeland stand ford, and how did stanf