host: before the war of 1812 and this is trying unhistorical literature by historians such as william skelton. we call it a nonprofessional. its officer corps is mostly obtaining positions through political influence as a part of the american political history system is a consequence they are not professionals who went three body of education that were promoted by some system of merit. they don't perform very well. washington d.c. is the dearly attempts to invade canada don't go very well. it's my impression that canadian look at a great victory of american theaters. so after the war of 1812, you have a business that turns out to be a versus not a select and prepare officers to be in the army to be commanders basically. >> host: who spearheaded that change after 1812? >> guest: the crucial is william scott because his career begins before the war of 1812 assumption may not and extends until the opening of the civil war when he finally retires. jacob brown, a few other officers, the scot is most part. they become very much -- their agenda is very much to build a proper professional institution