like he did not do business with william skinner, no. thank you. >> sera, at skinnerville, what survives? hasn't been any kind of serious or amateur archaeological search for evidence of the mill? i mean, what can you find if you go to the site today? >> that's a great question, bill. if you go to skinnerville today, you will find a stretch of highway and you will find a few houses along the side of it. some of which are or were wrecked at the time of the flood that were refashioned into homes. and you will find a very tranquil, unassuming river flowing alongside of it which is the mill river. there's been no archaeological dig that i know of. if you want to find the area where skinner's house was, there's a utility, what do they call utility -- >> substation? >> substation or something like that, yes. and back, the locals say, is where his house was. locals in areas to refer to the area as skinnerville, but it is no longer on the map. you used to, for years, be able to go to the mill river and find bricks in riverbank and all kinds of t