so this is a powder horn that belonged to a man named william waller, a virginian who lived near what would be shepherdstown, virginia. not far from washington, d.c. it has a lot of the slogans that we associate with the revolutionary movement. most recognizable "liberty or death." these words reportedly spoken by virginian patrick henry at the beginning of the war. i'll take this carefully out of the mount. you can see "kill or be killed" which is a fairly sobering almost contemporary sounding slogan. and appeal to heaven which was something that appeared on new england flags at the same and was also a very popular slogan at the beginning of the war. the date 1775 and curiously this crown -- so if you'll remember on that havana powder horn also a crown in that case with gr 3. sometimes people who see this horn are a little confused and say, well, wait a minute, this guy was a virginian fighting in the continental army, why would he have a crown on his powder horn? but, of course, in 1775, these men are still fighting to restore their rights as englishmen within the empire. so it's pe