this is an excavation of an elite compound organized by david webster and william sanders. the tomb she found on the other building was right along the front of the terrace. keach: from sculptures just uncovered, they suspect the leader of this family was another powerful lord. i'm standing in the courtyard of a residential compound of a classic maya noble. there are about 45 of these compounds up and down the valley -- the sort of middle class of ancient classic maya society here. behind me are two buildings. the one on the right, we're almost certain is a residence, perhaps of the lord of this compound. and then the one on the left, the bigger one over there, most probably is a temple, perhaps his funerary temple. but what we're going to do now is look at a pile of trash behind the building here. keach: sanders and weber have just uncovered a midden -- typical maya garbage dumped outside of what was presumably the kitchen. for sanders, one item in this trash raises important questions about the economic system of copan. sanders: this is a piece of a metate here. this is t