is the fact that if you take a look at the testimony of met life which will occur shortly when william wheeler testify, it's the fact that the asset and liability structures of banks are much different than from insurance companies. insurance companies are in for the long haul, very solid, fixed income, stable investments. banks borrow money on the short term and then put it into long term and could put them in a position where they could have a risk taking place. would you agree upon that? if met life failed, the role of the question to ask is this. if met life failed, would the failure of the company threaten the financial stability of the united states? we believe the answer is no. we cannot think of a single firm that would be brought down by its exposure to metlife. would you agree with that statement? >> metlife has been supervised by the federal reserve because it's a bank holding company. >> they're getting rid of the bank holding company. zwl so once they get rid of the company, they will no longer be supervised by the federal reserve. >> so would they come under the new regulations?