speakers are robert hayden, manager of commutesmart and clean vehicle, and william zeller, clean vehicle program coordinator. this is a discussion item. >> thank you so much for coming to talk to us about this. [speaker not understood] is a policy that has phenomenal inat thectiontionxes to reduce the city's vehicle fleet and reduce the, i guess as a side impact the amount of vehicle miles traveled and all that stuff and [speaker not understood] and the problems all that causes ~ intention. and at the same time save money because the city isn't using cars, doesn't have to buy cars and all that good stuff. but i'm not quite sure it's working a planned. so, why don't you tell us about it. [laughter] >> thank you, commissioners, all. appreciate this opportunity. i know this was an item that was originally scheduled in the fall for a report on the previous year's fiscal year's implementation of hacto and that had to be rescheduled. so, i appreciate the opportunity to come and do it now. with me as indicated by monica in introducing the subject, bill zeller is with me on our staff who manages