willie carlin, welcome to hardtalk. thank you for having me.ctually quite extraordinary having you in the studio given you were an undercover spy in the ‘70s and the ‘80s at an extraordinarily dangerous, sensitive time in northern ireland and you then went in hiding, you lived in secret. why have you now, later in life, decided to come out of the shadows? i think it's because it's time. you know, i'm 71 now. and for the past... since 1985 to quite recently, i've been reading books about 50 dead men walking and how i saved, and i thought, "when‘s anybody ever going to write a story about the truth of what has happened in derry?" i've read many books about belfast, armagh, newry. so i thought, "0k, i'lljust go back over my memory," and see where it all fits in. my original manuscript starts the day i was born. well, i'm going to stop you right there because here you sit telling this story that has been long kept secret, and i think we do have to begin at the beginning because it is, for many people i think watching and listening to this, it's goi