but, of course, the opposition will try to conjure up i guess the willie horton type experiment. but anyway, in florida, because it's so easy to get disenfranchised, every day people are getting disenfranchised. what does that mean? what it means is that every day minority communities are losing their voice. let me put this into proper perspective. whenever you have city officials are county officials and the have to consider the minority community, and so let's say coral gables, if i am the mayor of dade county and have to decide what i want to do, what i see is a third of those people can't vote anyhow. .. >> even if i was malcolm x reincarnated, as a politician, i cannot afford to show too much compassion for those people. because it's these people that's going to put me in office, and i need to cater to them. you guys with me on this? >> yeah. >> now, let's take it a step further. because, and this is a touchy subject, but let's be real with it. to show further indication because i know that when gun control measures started being debated, you know, one of the things that one