if you remember in 1998, mike lost the sentially presidential race over an ad about willy horton, someone who let out in jail and under the dukakis administration and had raped and killed crime was much more on the top of mind for voters than it is now. all sorts of things that were happening to try to .educe crime in the country we passed the brady law in 1993 that had background checks for all firearm purchases. it was a major law. there was a major crime bill as well. part of the way, crime bill was the assault weapons ban, kind of specific weapons,military-style a and, you know, it was a donnybrook. very, very close vote that, you know, we prevailed and schumer at r chuck the time. 216-214.iled host: you said you worked for chuck schumer. we want to show our viewers a video of chuck schumer during his debate over the crime bill of which the assault weapons ban was a part that was included. >> it doesn't mean equal but it does mean a fair share and the bill is fair. each of a fair share to the basic elements we need to crime. police, prevention and punishment. -- the course, the ban bi