and the administration, hopefully willison.>> -- hopefully will listen.>> i wanted to jump in quickly remember the numbers i mentioned around the one third of the population that has been involved in some way. small program over 40 years has enjoyed support from all parts of our political spectrum and has been introduced around the world by political parties, from the right or left for different reasons, but it is being embraced because they are national politics supported and that is because it is driven by the people which is a true grassroots program, it is able to bridge the global problems, the domestic political situation and it is a very community driven response. when i look at what is happening here i see the potential in all of these dots on chris's map, they are people who can now help with the advocacy effort that needs to happen. i would encourage you to see this not just as a tool when things are good and strong and we're all looking forward to those days returning, but also as a tool that can help broaden the base of support when things are tough.>> again to make the co