williston, north dakota, fargo, north dakota. in williston, you have got a walk-in clinic. in fargo, you have got a full hospital, full v.a. medical center, okay? take the test now that we're applying in this legislation. 40 miles, if you're within 40 miles, you have to go to the v.a. facility as long as you can get in within 14 days, but that 14 days has to also apply to the facility that's within that 40-mile radius. otherwise, you get an inconsistent, unfair result and actually disadvantage somebody who is within 40 miles of a walk-in clinic versus somebody who is outside that radius. let me give two examples to illuminate what i'm saying. you have got a vet, lives in williston, north dakota. if he can get an appointment within -- he is within 40 miles of that facility, he goes in, he gets his shot or whatever it is in that facility, no problem, but what happens if he can't, if that walk-in clinic doesn't supply the service? what does he do? well, if the 14-day rule applies to the fargo v.a. hospital, even though he is within 40 miles of the cboc, if the cboc doesn't pro