john willman was jennifer's boss. >> within a year we promoted her to a project manager. >> the 24-year-old was loving life in orlando and wanted it plant some roots. >> jennifer had assets -- a condo. >> 2006 at the time was the height of this housing market. >> jen but lear is an investigative reporter. she had worked in central florida for 16 years. >> jennifer's condominium were right near a new mall that had gone up, this big beautiful mall. >> we're standing at jennifer's condominium which she purchased in november of 2005. if you look around, it's a beautiful place, the condos are beautiful. >> there was so much construction going on that there just wasn't a lot of people that lived there. >> i know a couple of the workers that were in the complex had made some cat calls at her and put her unease. >> it made her feel uncomfortable having strangers and they were men, you know, it was very apparent that she lived there alone. >> but, overall, we thought everything was just fine for jennifer. >> in addition to her home, she also had a new boyfriend, englishman rob allen. >> we had a lot