. -- wine willone go with something serious in terms of the food. now we are ready for the red. bordeaux, and it costs $27. -- bordeaux has to be aged for decades. this is ready to drink right now. let's taste. aromas, just the way a bordeaux is supposed to. and charming fruit that is really delicious along with silky tanins. it is fruity and easy to drink. it will go with everything from roasted turkey to a juicy prime rib, and it is perfect for white wine snobs to sip at a cocktail bar. next, sparkling wine. a brute from california, and is only $25. it is a blend of chardonnay and pinot noir. the cork.pop bubbles are essential for the holidays and look festive in a class. the smell of this one is like just break -- baked -- and the flavors are lemony tart and refreshing. keep a few bottles in the fridge for win friends stop by or when you need to perk yourself up while you are cooking. cheers. narrator: up next, editor hurry to that auction house, because this painter may be on the road to being the next million-dollar artist, and we will show you how to let a man -- make a ma