they range from people who are just hardheaded players, like henry crawford threw a guy like willoughby in sense and sensibility, which is married to his own maturity, committed to not make a commitment look good because outokumpu style. and really, it has to do with jealousy. i think it can help them and a lot to look at a kind of template for this. i am dealing with somebody who looks like he's interested in me, but he is not anymore. which class this evening to? which classes are fun to? honestly, i cannot give you all the advice in 15 minutes. i would like to back up and talk about the case for jane austen as an alternative to the typical 21st century ways of thinking about dating and courting and mating. when i first started writing the book, i was just thinking, okay. jane austen is a genius at writing and social criticisms and at male and female psychology and relationship dynamics. and she happens to be writing in an era for the crisis in relationships had gum things up. so she could have some useful advice for modern folks. in the course of working on the book, i came to see th