by the halo trust charity, the prince receiving a warm welcome from john mccain and halo ceo guy willoughbyo be really interested in the halo outfit. >> then off to the white house for an event with michelle obama celebrating military moms. >> when he heard about this tea and all of you, when people know about you and the sacrifices you make they want to be a part of it. he wanted to be here. >> reporter: later, a stop at the british embassy for a dinner reception and remarks and landmine removal. >> refugees who sought shelter from war cannot return home. long after the guns have fallen silent, this menace remains. unseen and undetected. >> reporter: the seven day, six city royal visit is all about giving back. >> it is covering all of the events he feels very strongly about. >> reporter: the prince jet sets to denver, then colorado springs for wounded warrior games, a paralympics style sporting championship, no stop in vegas, this time, as he makes his way back to the east coast early next week. the prince's charities are paying for most of the visit all of his flights will be commercial.