wallace willoughby posted this picture on our facebook page, which received quite the response from many of you. it hd over 112 shares and 51 comments. and here's why... wallace told us as he was in the field, eh heard a loud pop. he was in the combine, looking at the screens, trying to figure out what was wrong, when the guy driving the bugg started screaming for him to get out. wallace says as he opened the door , flames were at the cab. so he jumped out just in time. they were just so dry and combine that with a spark, it destroyed his combine. so, he wanted to remind farmers to be careful and make sure you have help in the field, because the guy helping him harvest saved his life. don't forget to send us your pictures and videos. and just remember to be safe out there. for all of us at u-s farm report, i'm tyne morgan. thank you for watching u-s farm report. be sure to join us right here again next week, as we work to build on our tradition. have a great weekend, everyone. > announcer: the following is a paid adver